Translation Progress "JESUS" film translations completed: 899 Translations available in audio version only: 15 Total number of different languages: 914 "JESUS" film translations in process: 238 "The Story of Jesus" audio translations completed: 360 "The Story of Jesus for Children" video translations completed: 100
Distribution Totals Since 1979 "JESUS" film prints put into circulation (8mm, 16mm, 35mm): 16,327 "JESUS" videocassettes, DVDs, VCDs in circulation: 42,473,516 "The Story of Jesus" audiocassettes in circulation: 13,235,589 "The Story of Jesus for Children" videocassettes in circulation: 775,746
Viewing Audience of the "JESUS" Film1 Viewing audience of the film since 1979: 5,412,055,777 Indicated decisions for Christ as a result of the film:2 201,222,001 Countries in which the film has been shown: 228 Countries where the film has been seen on television: 176
Listening Audience of "The Story of Jesus" Audio Version Radio listeners: 447,074,422 Audiocassette listeners: 177,532,030
Cumulative Viewing and Listening Audience: 6,036,662,229
Film Teams JESUS Film Project teams: 2,419 Countries where JESUS Film Project-sponsored teams operate: 106 Team personnel:3 4,966 Denominations and mission agencies using the film: 1,539
1 Includes all versions, including "The Story of Jesus for Children" and multiple viewings. 2 Recorded only at live showings. 3 Includes team supervisors.
耶稣受难记 The Passion of the Christ 耶稣传 Jesus 拿撒勒的耶稣 JESUS OF NAZARETH 与王一夜 One Night with the King 启示录 Revelations 七宗罪 Se7en 天国王朝 Kingdom of Heaven 埃及王子 The Prince of Egypt 这个...详情