Orhan who lived in London for years and did not come back to Turkey agrees to
Orhan who lived in London for years and did not come back to Turkey agrees to help Deniz -a famous director- edit his first book. Deniz has been living in a mansion with his family which started to lose its old brightness and power. Orhan finds himself in the middle of Deniz's complicated relationships, mysterious friends and stange family members. This is the first movie of Ferzan Ozpetek which is shot in Turkey after a long time. It is also based on his own book which has the same name with the movie.
找一部电影 关于利物浦球迷,关于伊斯坦布尔奇迹的
改编伊斯坦布尔奇迹的电影《15分钟震惊世界》这部喜剧名为《15分钟震惊世界》(Fifteen Minutes That Shook the World),片中虚构了利物浦在2005年欧冠决赛0-3落后AC米兰时绝地反击、最后3-3战平通过点球大战获胜背后的成功秘密。详情